Our values, our identity

Our motto: “Creating future opportunities thanks to a shared commitment, which encourages personal growth”

In light of the recent merger of MECAD SAVOIE INDUSTRIE, BALLOCCHI, and BUCARI, the Executive Committee of the PERFORM SPIRIT INDUSTRY Group sought to explore the question of values and the mindset that would guide the Group’s development in the coming years.

At the end of 2019, the Executive Committee got together at a seminar focussing on the topic of “the identity, purpose and values that guide us”.

This period of work and reflection provided the team with the opportunity to ask itself some basic questions, which allowed the broad outlines of the values that we wish to embody with our employees to be defined.

valeurs identité du groupe PSI
séminaire groupe PSI usinage pièces mécaniques

Following this Executive Committee session, it appeared essential to us to organise other seminars on this same topic, but this time with our employees.
These special times spent working as a team allowed these identifying values and this purpose to be clarified, and to define certain rules, actions and improvements, which will enable us to “create future opportunities thanks to a shared commitment, which encourages personal growth”.

This policy of development and communication in relation to our values is a very important aspect of our daily management, as well as our future vision, allowing our employees to be fully involved and the framework that will allow us to build the future of the PERFORM SPIRIT INDUSTRY Group together to be defined.

A few photos of our seminar

séminaire groupe perform industry
identité valeur équipe groupe perfom industry
groupe PSI valeur identité